Thursday, October 18, 2012

The beanie comeback

Now I'm never one to judge the stylings on yesteryear but I have a slight problem with beanies right about now, especially the 1990s type which are not worn to keep those ears warm but strangely positioned on the head as a style statement. I'm not sure when or where this trend started (although Jill Sander S/S 2012 is probably to blame) but it seems to be 'a thing' to sport beanies of this kind again. Not that they have ever been out of style as sportswear; I just didn't think I'd be seeing Italian editors or fashionable bloggers walking around with their hats perched on their noggins.

Jill Sander S/S 2012

As with most fashion trends though, the more I see these beanies, the more I crave one; especially those of the veiled disposition. How are they ever practical for summer? Who cares about practicality when it comes to fashion? Alas, I digress.
While watching one of Garance Doré's loverly videos for Net-a-Porter just now, I found myself once again intrigued by a beanie. This version seemed almost DIY embellished with many shiny stones, and as I am to embellishments what moths are to flames, I find myself drawing up my next DIY project.

And see here, stylist Elisa Nalin sporting the aforementioned beanie

Seeing as beanies do offer the practical service of keeping head and ears warm (if correctly pulled down) I figure this trend can legitimately picked up in the name of cold weather. Did I mention I also bought a baseball cap, an excuse to keep rain from my eyes and hair (yet flattening said hair when removed).
Drawn to the beanie
Now I'm off to town to see what beanie offerings there are and how I could possibly make this trend work for me. Yes, I already have one but it doesn't match my hair in the same way this one ultimately will! 

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